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November 2003's Go Answer of the Month

Dia 1 Another Ladder month

Dia 1

This situation turned up in a game against Many faces of Go. Does 36 break the ladder? Would it if it were one point up, down, left or right?

Dia 2 The straightforward ladder

Dia 2

Black fails to capture white if he plays the ladder like this.

Dia 3 Bending with 72

Dia 3

If Black makes use of the two stones on already on the lower edge, playing 72 to bend the ladder, he does manage to capture white.

If Black were to play 36':
one point up, the ladder bumps into it and works "easily";
one point down, white white 4th line stone saves white, again obviously;
one point left, white escapes - this is the same as the one point down case;
one point right, black captures, this black stone and the white stone "cancel each other" leading to a standard ladder all the way to the edge of the board.

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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