Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month

November 1996's Go Answer of the Month

Dia 1 - White to play and kill.

Dia 1

This is the final installment of the long running Diamond saga. White 1 turns out to be the correct attack. Black 2 is a strong response. What does White do for move 3. Also how does White cope with other Black 2s?

Dia 2 & 3 - First how other Black 2s are countered.

Dia 2

7 falsifies the eye on the right.

Dia 3

7 links out to the White wall.

Dia 4, 5 & 6 - And now some White 3s which don't work.

Dia 4

Because of the careful reply of Black 4 this becomes a seki.

Dia 5

This is just the wrong way for White to approach matters!
7 at 8 leads to the same seki as in Dia 4.

Dia 6 12 at 7

No good either.

Dia 7 - And the White 3 which does work.

Dia 7

Feel free to email me if you have any comments.

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
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